This is a sample page for creating one page of a WordPress website. The page is different from the post, because the page is always visible in the menu of the website, during navigation (in most templates). The majority of people use the About page, which is used to tell potential visitors about themselves, their business , and a few characteristic sentences about the website. One possible solution for this is e.g.:
Hello People! This translation was done by the WordPress Hungary Translation Team. We have invested many hundreds of working hours so that everyone can use this great content management system in our native language, Hungarian.
…. or another example:
WordPress Hungary actually exists from the beginning without announcing its existence. WordPress Hungary is a Community! – we teamed up to apply, get to know, and learn the open source, brilliant WordPress content management system.
As a new WordPress user , you can delete this page, modify it, and create new pages with your own content by going to the Control Panel . Have fun from the International WordPress Community!